Infused With Hope


Romans 15:13

13 Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.



The refreshment of hope is like taking a break from rigorous activity on a hot day for a drink of ice cold water.  There are few feelings that can compare to water soothing your parched mouth, and the cooling sensation that follows, as it pours down your throat and spreads out to hydrate the rest of your worn-out, aching muscles. 

Joy and peace in believing result in an abounding hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.  Just like Jesus came to give us abundant life, He came to give us abounding hope.  Biblical hope is:


  1. Having a confident expectation that the promises of God will come to pass in our lives.
  2. That we will be victorious, we will overcome.
  3. That, no matter how dark our circumstances, somehow things will get better as we surrender it all to God.
  4. That God loves us and is for us.
  5. That God will grant us eternal life as we trust in and follow Him.


God doesn’t want us to live a life of discouragement.  He wants us to possess a lively hope!

As I sought the Lord for a few hours this morning (wanting direction for our church), I felt the Lord lead me to a book I had checked out at the Beaverton City Library a few weeks ago.  It is a book titled, “The Hope Quotient” by Ray Johnston.  I felt I would use this book in the future, and that time has arrived. 

In addition to examining the topic of hope through this book and the Bible in our devotionals the next few days, I am feeling the direction to teach/preach a series on this topic.  I am excited because I believe hope is a fundamental pillar of our Christian life that often gets neglected.  We often speak of faith and love, as we should, but we do not talk about hope nearly enough.  I also realize you cannot separate hope, faith, and love.  They are intertwined and interdependent, but it will be beneficial to focus more specifically on hope for the next few weeks. 


The Hope Quotient 

In our devotionals we will just scratch the surface of the principles laid out in Ray Johnston’s book. 

Today I will begin by including a direct quote from the book the great enemy of hope – discouragement:

“Howard Hendricks gave a gripping definition of discouragement: “Discouragement is the anesthetic the devil uses on a person just before he reaches in and carves out his heart.”  He’s right.  When people lose hope, they lose their ability to dream for the future.  Despair replaces joy.  Fear replaces faith.  Anxiety replaces prayer.  Insecurity replaces confidence.  Tomorrow’s dreams are replaced by nightmares.”

When spouses lose hope, they give up on their marriages.  Parents give up on their teens.  Leaders give up on their people.  Healthy emotions like contentment and peace are replaced with the toxic emotions of confusion, shame, worry, and disappointment.  In short, it’s impossible to be spiritually, psychologically, emotionally, or relationally healthy when we’re gripped by discouragement.

Some wise person once said that we can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air – but not a single moment without hope.”


An Abundance of Hope

The goal, over the next few weeks, is to produce a hope that is lasting.  This is not a self-help seminar where you will get shallow catch phrases and quick-fix solutions.  My desire is to use the principles of this book as they relate to the principles of the Word of God, along with the power of the Holy Spirit, to produce a more sustained infusion of hope and encouragement.  The goal is to have an overabundance of hope so that it runs over and splashes onto those who we encounter every day.


The 10 Percent Factor  

Hope is so powerful, we don’t need a huge increase to make a profound change.  Johnston says that he met a leading psychologist who was able to see deeply troubled marriages turned around by getting 10 percent improvement.  It didn’t require 100 percent, 50 percent, or even 25 percent – just 10 percent.  It only took 10 percent, because that 10 percent gave them hope.  When people have hope, anything is possible!


Four Things Hope Does That Nothing Else Can Do

Again, from the book, Johnston lists four things that hope does:

  1. Hope liberates. Hope releases you from your past.
  2. Hope motivates. Hope helps you bounce back.
  3. Hope initiates. Hope sets you free to dream.
  4. Hope activates. Hope is the fuel that makes the world a better place.


Tough Circumstances Versus Hope

In closing today, we will examine the heavyweight matchup that features in one corner, in the black shorts, hailing from Hard Knocks USA, Touuuuuugh Cirrrrrrcumstances.  In the other corner, in the white shorts, hailing from Bethlehem’s Manger, Hoooooooope. (I know, corny.  Did you expect anything less?) 

Before the introduction to his book, Johnston lists some examples that highlight this title fight (sorry for using so much boxing lingo for you that are not boxing fans).

-Lock him in a prison cell, bet him, and shipwreck him, and you have the apostle Paul.

-Deafen him, and you have a Ludwig van Beethoven.

-Raise him in abject poverty, and you have Abraham Lincoln.

-Burn him so severely that doctors say he’ll never walk again, and you have a Glenn Cunningham – the man who set the world’s one-mile record in 1934.

-Call him a slow learner, label him “retarded,” and write him off as uneducable, and you have Albert Einstein.

-Strike Him down with infantile paralysis, and he becomes a Franklin D. Roosevelt.

We could go on with many more examples, but suffice it to say, tough circumstances are no match for people fueled by hope.

Again, this is not about mustering up some kind of mental fortitude to be stronger, this is about becoming more reliant upon the Holy Spirit and allowing the grace of God to cause us to abound in hope.  The greatest hope, just like the greatest love, is not produced by human ability, but through the grace of Almighty God. 



Heavenly Father, Almighty God of heaven and earth, as we begin this journey of hope together, we believe we will discover a greater hope than we have ever experienced before.  We will come to the place where we are abounding in hope.  Your hope will be so alive in us, we cannot but help share it with others.  Hope will cast out all discouragement today.  We are believing for a flicker of hope that will begin pushing back the darkness of despair in our lives and in our city/region.  The truth of your Word will produce a hope that destroys all the deception of the enemy in Jesus name!  We receive a revelation today of how much you love us and how much you are for us.  We receive abundant life today in Jesus name.  Thank you for hearing and answering our prayer today.